Security Blanket Updates


Monday, December 08, 2003

I really meant to update last week but I just got a full time job and I've been so~~ busy!
Its a great job though. I work in Toronto at a store called Kikiwai. If you know what Kikiwai is you'll probably be going "no way!" :P If you don't... go here and find out ^^;;
Aren't I lucky!
Yes, I will make them sell Security Blanket too. Sell my manga!!!

Ok... yeah, so you can come bug me about never updating if you want. I'm easy to find cuz I'm the only caucasian, blonde haired blue eyed girl there ^^;;
This makes me a living joke with the Chinese now >.>
Not that they're mean about it.... I'll shut up now

So yeah... this week I worked straight through... but next week I have Friday. Sat, and Sunday off (but Sunday I'm goinng to an Evanescence concert XD ) so I'll try to update on one of those days.

Gomen ne!

fell from the sky by Meghan @6:24 PM

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